Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Did I Just Hear You Yell "STOP THE MADNESS"?

Do you really need life coaching? You know what? You really don’t need a life coach! And that is a true statement if your primary focus is on more of the same, not making a real difference in your life and the lives of others. So then you start asking questions… What do life coaches do anyway?  Why work with one?  I can do this alone, what can a life coach do that I cannot do? And can I really afford to work with one? 

What do life coaches do anyway? Life coaches act as sounding boards, provide a different point of view, introduce new skills, work with you to achieve what you are committed to and hold you accountable every step of the way. 

Why would I work with a life coach, what value do they bring?  Tell me, when was the last time you saw an amateur or professional athlete be successful in their chosen field who did NOT work with a coach?  It’s a paradigm shift to apply this concept to your life! Your urgent desire could be how to share more time with your family, or how to make more money and not invest more time, or finding a fulfilling job or career.  Life Coaches work with you to shorten the length of time it would typically take for you to achieve your goals. 

You say to yourself, I can do this alone. I’ve been successful to this point. I’m fine! True, you really have made it to this point, but you know deep down inside that with that extra oomph, or that different approach you really can make it happen NOW.  It may seem scary or you may be ready for it, but  my job is to move you from "I can’t do that" to "LOOK WHAT I DID"!  

I cannot afford life coaching.  Are you going with that one?  Well I once heard the statement that it is you who decides what life coaching is really worth.  When will you make up your mind that the commitment you are living to fulfill is worth more than the investment in making it happen? How much longer are you willing to wait to bring your dream to life? What is fulfilling your life dreams truly worth to you?  
Learn more about what it would be like to work with me, Robin Spence, at Rightly Successful, LLC a Certified Elite Life Coach.  My rates are reasonable and you can discover if working with me is a match by participating in a 30 to 45 minute consultation. Look me up here. Thanks!

Consider designing your life and making choices out of Personal Freedom, feel free to contact me. Also, check out my earlier posts on Personal Freedom.  I also offer coach and self-directed workshops on 3 Steps to Personal Freedom.  You can learn more about those at www.rightlysuccessful.com.

Until then, I would love to read your comments!