Monday, August 20, 2012

Even Smart Women Make Mistakes

I challenge you now...

I attended the University of Missouri in Columbia and left there after my second year with my MRS. We got married in 1980 and we had a wonderful daughter, Bradley, in 1982. I learned from my mother that a woman should be married. My mother almost always worked when I was growing up, so I also learned that mothers, wives, work and support their family and husband. So, I aspired to get a job, get married, and have a family. And I did.

I have been in Advertising, Marketing, Brand Development and Product Development for over 30 years. I had been in the business for more than 20 years when someone asked me how I had gotten into marketing and my response was I tripped and fell. I Knew I wanted to work with people,
I had not real plan and the only job available was in advertising, so took it. 

Flashback, It's Thursday, February 3, 1994, I am getting ready to fly to Minneapolis for a business presentation. I have on my “I feel brilliant and confident” Red dress and my husband has just gotten home from the overnight shift at Chrysler’s number plant supervising the quality of their mini-vans. He kisses he hello and says with tears in his eyes, “Robin, I met someone else that I want to share my life with, I want a divorce".

I go on to catch my plane, after all, I have been trained that a woman works and supports her family right? So sitting in the window seat of a Northwest Airlines Boeing 7-something-7 the shock of hearing those words begins to ebb a bit, I make a decision. While I can not avoid being a divorce statistic, I do have a say so over what type of woman I can be going through and on the other side of the divorce.

In that moment, I chose to CREATE my life. I chose to define life, living, and love on my own terms.  I promised myself that post divorce there was going to be a stronger, vibrant, life-loving woman whose heart would not be hardened by one man and one choice made way back when.

And so it began. Those were the seeds, the beginning of Succelerance I challenge you now... Share with me what YOUR life would be like if you chose to live a life you deem as rightly successful.  What would you do differently?  What would you keep doing?  What beliefs do you hold that you begin to wonder... just where did those come from?  

Look for more from me shortly.  Let the musings begin.  Check out this information on Succelerance and reserve your place at the front. 
